Saturday, August 30, 2008

اللهم أنت ربي

اللهم أنت ربي
لا إله أنت
خلقتني وأنا عبدك
وانا على عهدك ووعدك مااستطعت
أعوذ بك من شر ماصنعت
أبوء لك بنعمتك علي
وأبوء بذنبي
فاغفر لي
فأنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت

Ramadan Kareem ; Happy Ramadan

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Graduation ... March 2008

Mansoura University
Faculty of Medicine
Graduation Party

My sister's little daughter ...

A princess shining like a star in my life ... isn't she ?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Salicylate overdose

The mixed respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis in a sweaty, confused patient point towards salicylate overdose. The development of pulmonary oedema suggests severe poisoning and is an indication for haemodialysis

Salicylate overdose leads to a mixed respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis. Early stimulation of the respiratory center leads to a respiratory alkalosis whilst later the direct acid effects of salicylates (combined with acute renal failure) may lead to an acidosis. In children metabolic acidosis tends to predominate

  • hyperventilation (centrally stimulates respiration)
  • tinnitus
  • lethargy
  • sweating, pyrexia*
  • nausea/vomiting
  • hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia
  • seizures
  • coma

  • general (ABC, charcoal)
  • urinary alkalinization is now rarely used - it is contraindicated in cerebral and pulmonary oedema with most units now proceeding straight to haemodialysis in cases of severe poisoning
  • haemodialysis

Indications for haemodialysis in salicylate overdose
  • serum concentration > 700mg/L
  • metabolic acidosis resistant to treatment
  • acute renal failure
  • pulmonary oedema
  • seizures
  • coma

** Salicylates cause the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation leading to decreased adenosine triphosphate production, increased oxygen consumption and increased carbon dioxide and heat production

ECG: coronary territories

The table below shows the correlation between ECG changes and coronary territories:

ECG changes Coronary artery
Anteroseptal V1-V4 Left anterior descending
Inferior II, III, aVF Right coronary
Anterolateral V4-6, I, aVL Left main stem
Lateral I, aVL +/- V5-6 Left circumflex
Posterior Tall R waves V1-2 Usually left circumflex, also right coronary

Free questions & resources for MRCP

Free BOFs and MCQs

  • MedQ the interactive MRCP website has now made all 1446 of its Best-of-five format questions free. Free registration is required. Click here.
  • The best selection of free MRCP Resources for MRCP can be found from the Neurology 4 MRCP Group of Websites. The team,headed by Dr Osama Amin, have produced a vast free resource of questions and answers for MRCP and MRCPI. Most of the contributions are in PDF format for easy downloading and printing out for students with intermittent internet connection. Many but not all of the contributions are neurology themed.
    • The first site is Dr O Amin’s personal blog and contains links to many resources here.
    • The book entitled “One year of hard Work” containing 100s of questions in BOF format can be found by clicking the image of the book here.
    • Their best BOF eBook with over 300 pages of questions and answers over 2 volumes is entitled “Teaching Best of Five Questions for MRCP UK and Ireland Part I Examinations 3ed” and can be found here.
  • One of The biggest and best selection of MCQs and BOFs, better than Pastest or OnExamination’s offerings are available here and here The first link requires free registration, the second is free for all.
  • Dr Ahmed Hakim has been kind enough to produce this PDF file of 278 pages of questions in BOF format, they come with good answers and explanations. The file can be found here. (The file is hosted on a Brazilian website which can be a little slow). Dr Ahmed also has a great website with links to free books and medical resources that can be found here.
  • has 100 free questions, requires registration but that was quick and easy. Some people think the questions are a little easy. Good here.
  • The popular AIPPG group has a great collection of free MRCP Part 1 questions in this forum available by following this link.
    (Since posting this link the forum has been modified to require free registration to view the questions.)
  • Barry Brenner and Chris O’Callaghan also provide some free MCQs (Not BOF format) in this link by clicking here.
  • Some free MCQs have been posted to this forum that you can find by clicking here.
  • This forum also has some more free questions, click here.
  • also has some free questions with answers here. (Free Registration Required)
  • Rob Skelly has 100 MCQs in Tropical Medicine here.
  • has free Part 1 questions here.
  • has 500 free questions here and here. To get to the questions you have to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the question number.
  • Cardioweb a great Cardiology tutorial site has free Part 1 questions with good explanations here.
    (Free registration is required.)
  • Nagda’s Biochemistry Study Centre has some free mcqs here. Answers are emailed by return of post. More questions are being posted on a monthly basis here
  • has 600 free questions here.
  • The team at have some more free questions in their blog here. Click on the previous posts to see them.
  • has 971 MCQs in a MRCP Question Bank, getting a bit dated but can be found here.
  •, from the publisher of the Medicine series of Journals has 100s of free questions, intended for CPD purposes, but equally useful for revising for MRCP in BOF format here.

Free Questions for MRCP

Part 2

  • Medibyte, the website sponsored by Medipass who run courses for MRCP are offering online access to their MRCP Part 2 Questions by clicking here
  • has some free Part-2 questions here.
  • Sheffield Uni has some free Part 2 questions in PDF format for downloading here.